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room clerk (旅館里的)預定、登記房間的職員。

room mate

Unless the room clerk is absolutely certain from some information that he possesses , it is unwise to challenge a represented relationship because of a feeling that is not man and wife or brother and sister 因為感覺某個男人或女人不是夫妻或兄妹就去質疑表格中所填寫的關系是很不明智的,除非服務員對他掌握的情況能夠完全肯定。

Rooms must be serviced quickly to placate waiting guests and information on the status of rooms furnished accurately and immediately to the room clerk , who uses the reports to make new room assignments 必須盡快給等待的客人安排住房以安撫他們,必須及時準確地提供房間狀態信息,從而使分房員能重新分配房間。

Some of the items are completed by the guest and some by the room clerk after the guest has signed in 有的欄目需要旅客填寫,有的則要等旅客簽到后由分房員填寫。

The employee who checks in arriving guests and assigns them to their rooms is the room clerk . 為來賓辦理住宿手續并為他們安排房間的是客房登記員。

The bellman then gets the room key from the room clerk and escorts the guest to his room . 接待服務員從客房登記員手中取到鑰匙,就送顧客到客房。

The room clerk fills in the room number and the rate the guest will pay . 客房登記員填寫房間號碼和房租金額。

The room clerk stiffened, straightening his shoulders . 房間登記員繃著臉,挺直了肩膀。